Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blogtoberfest, Day 24: Doug Gilbert

How have connections with other professionals improved your practice? Today's entry is from Doug Gilbert, Social Science Teacher at Canyon Crest Academy:
I've enjoyed reading the thoughts of so many fine educators in our district on the topic of collaboration and improved practice. We are fortunate to have so many talented and dedicated professionals. 
I would like to reflect on the opportunity we all have to improve our practice by learning from others through conversation and the visitation of classes other than our own. As a BTSA support provider in our district the last 8 years, I have been in almost every class that our district offers. It is in these classes that I have witnessed some great teaching, and most importantly great learning. Collaboration happens when teachers are together discussing assignments, rubrics, technology, students, strategies, and the changes that take place in education. One of the first steps to collaboration is to listen and watch. Often times as teachers we are the ones who are acting and talking. Sometimes as veteran teachers we believe that we cannot learn from others, specifically new teachers. Rather than be threatened by changes in practice and education, and the new teachers that bring those changes, embrace them and make them your own. 
So I implore you to go and visit some classes in your department, outside your department, perhaps at a different site. How are others making great things happen? Teaching, and more importantly our district, is a fraternity of professionals, and by utilizing these professionals we can improve our teaching and our learning.