Monday, October 14, 2013

Blogtoberfest, Day 14: Elise Davies

How have connections with other professionals improved your practice?  Today's entry is from Elise Davies, Assistant Principal at Canyon Crest Academy:
Last week I had the opportunity to attend a district training for teachers on new technology resources with 5 outstanding teacher leaders from CCA. In addition to learning about the district's new resources in order to better support teachers at my site I was able to spend some quality time with my teachers as well as teacher leaders from other schools. The training was great and I learned a ton, however there was one experience in particular from the day I found especially meaningful. The highlight of my day was a trip several of us took to Chipotle for lunch during our break. I know what you're thinking- collaboration at Chipotle?! Isn't that the same thing as a kid proclaiming recess is their favorite subject in school? Before you write off my collaboration experience let me explain. Now I'll be honest, our conversation at Chipotle wasn't all business- we talked about our families, kids, hobbies, upcoming vacations, summer breaks, and career paths. There was certainly some business sprinkled into our conversation but mostly it was about getting to know each other better, hanging out. I left Chipotle with a better understanding of the people I work with every day; their needs, what they value, why they do their jobs, what they believe in, what makes them tick. Hopefully they learned something new about me too- so that as we continue to work as a team we have a greater sense of trust, understanding, and community. In my opinion the most effective leaders are ones who build and nurture meaningful relationships. In the business of the day to day responsibilities we must accomplish, how often do we take the time to build relationships with the people we share a room, hallway, building, school with? So I challenge those of you who are still reading this with skepticism- get out of your room/office at lunch today and make your own Chipotle experience! Who knows what you might find out, and how it will impact the way you interact with your colleagues and how that might impact the way you work with your students!