Friday, September 14, 2012

If This, Then That

Computers were supposed to make our lives easier, back in the day.  We all know the combination of truth and fiction that idea contains, but here is a website that might actually make your online life a little easier. IFTTT (If This, Then That) allows you to set up rules for all kinds of events, and then the website takes some action when that event happens.

For example, you might want to get a text message if the weather forecast includes rain (IF the weather forecast is rain, THEN send me a text).  There might be people whose Facebook posts you don't want to miss (IF Melissa posts on Facebook, THEN send it to me by email).  You might want to automatically re-tweet something from a particular group (IF "#edtech" appears in a tweet, THEN re-tweet it to my followers).  Maybe you want to automatically save articles from Google Reader (IF I star an article in Reader, THEN send it to my Evernote account).

There are a lot more possibilities, and this is where you might want to involve your students.  Having them come up with IF... THEN statements is a great way to (a) get them thinking about organizing themselves in the digital world and (b) get them started thinking about logical decision making, either for programming, or math, or science, or an essay that develops an argument.

IFTTT has potential to help you organize yourself and could benefit your students as well.