Monday, June 24, 2013

Big Data in the Workplace Means Big Changes

This fascinating article is important for educators.

First paragraph:

Hiring decisions have always been limited to a few imperfect factors, including what appears on a resume and what impression a candidate gives off in an informal interview.

It goes on from there to state that companies are now using the Moneyball approach to recruit and make decisions on workers.

The proliferation of Big Data technology makes it easier to identify workers who will be the most productive, similar to how Billy Beane found unpolished gems in Moneyball.

The article contends that resumes and interviews will become less important as companies get better at determining who will make a good worker.

This is important for educators as we change to the Common Core and Next Gen science standards.  These standards are better suited for deeper understanding vs surface learning.

A number of nonacademic skills are valued highly by employers.  Big Data techniques will be used to find these employees and hire them ahead of those who interview well and have Big Name schools on their resume.