Saturday, May 30, 2015

How Do I Get A Job Like This?

In September, I wrote a post about lazy editorial cartoonists, which included this image from Rick McKee of the Augusta Chronicle from August of 2014:

Earlier today, I saw this image reposted on a blog:

Wow, that seems familiar. I wonder who drew this one? Oh, look, it's Rick McKee of the Augusta Chronicle in August of 2013. (That teacher has gained some weight over the year. She might want to see a cartoon doctor. Probably one wearing an old-fashioned circular reflector on his head.)

I'm going to gloss over the relative popularity of Facebook and Twitter with school-age children (spoiler alert: it's zero), although I will note that I look forward to McKee's cartoon from August of 2015 where the child shows the dowdy teacher his MySpace page.

I just want to know where I can get a job where you can do the same thing year after year, pulling out your old work, maybe changing a bit here and there, and then submit it to your audience as if it were brand-new. Does anyone know of any profession other than editorial cartoonist where that is acceptable? If I tried to do that as a teacher, I'd... wait a sec...
